Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Wake Up!

We’ve been on Daylight Savings Time for about 3 weeks now, and I must admit that I’m still not completely adjusted. Perhaps the artificial time change just started too soon, a supposed energy-saving measure that some suspect was really designed to boost retail sales, giving people more daylight hours for shopping.

The government’s “stimulus payment” to taxpayers is also supposed to help boost retail sales and “jump start” the economy, though most people I know aren’t going to go right out and buy something with that money, and if they did, the money wouldn’t go very far, so the effect on the economy would be short-lived. What would really cause people to buy more over the long term would be lower gasoline, food, housing, and health care costs; secure, better paying jobs; and getting out from under their personal debt.

When are our elected officials going to realize that the American people aren’t little children that can be pacified with free candy? Who is paying for the candy, and when are they going to start working together to solve the problems that got us into this mess in the first place? I’m getting a little tired of all the political posturing and bickering between Republicans and Democrats or even among those of the same party. We’re all in this together, folks! Let’s get to work!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You mentioned the "stimulus check" in your blog. What a crackup. I just got mine. I pay a lot of taxes and yet I got less money than those who don't pay that much taxes. It was such a joke. I only got $152.85. Where was that $600 the government promised us individual taxpayers? I am not a rich or highly paid woman -- yet I didn't even get one-third of the money promised. I really had to "Wake Up" on this one!!! AR