Saturday, February 9, 2008

Beyond Super Tuesday

Well, Super Tuesday is over and, thankfully, so are those endless Indian Gaming ads. Tom and I each voted for different candidates by mail-in ballot, and they both have dropped out, so we’re even.

Seriously, though, this election year we all have some critical choices to make, and no matter who wins, things are going to change. That’s exciting. I think everyone agrees there are many issues that urgently need to be addressed, including health care, the economy, Middle East policy, immigration, energy. My only hope is that all Americans vote with their heads and support the candidate whom they believe has the ideas and the leadership ability to get things done and solve these problems.

What a great country we live in to have such a diverse field of candidates to choose from! But in the end, gender, race, age, religion, or even political party should be irrelevant. The problems are complex, and Congress has been ineffective in solving them due to partisan bickering and political b-s. Our next president must be someone who can end the stalemate and start fixing what’s broken.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Grasshopper, it would be great to get a president that could end the stalemate. In agreement, Allieoop